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Showing posts from December, 2016

Review Buku Letters From Turkey - Faris BQ

Yeay akhirnya bisa mereview buku lagi setelah sekian lama... Em, baru-baru ini saya menyelesaikan membaca buku Letters from Turkey karya faris BQ. Untuk membaca buku berjumlah 405 halaman ini kubutuhkan waktu seminggu. Bukan karena bukunya yang membosankan. Tetapi saya membaca nya dengan santai supaya pesan inspiratif yang disampaikan penulis, bisa benar-benar tertanamkan di otak.  Berbicara masalah surat, saya cukup berpengalaman (*sambil kibas jilbab) . Secara dulu, saya sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Administrasi Perkantoran, hampir tiap hari kami disuruh menulis surat dengan berbagai macam model mulai dari Full block Style hingga  Hanging Paragraph Style (Bentuk Menggantung). Waktu SD dulu juga sering nulis surat, Surat ijin ndak masuk  buat Wali Kelas, abis itu minta ayah tanda tangani. Hahahaha. Pas tamat kuliah, saya juga rajin nulis surat. Surat Lamaran Kerja. Dalam seminggu, bs sampai tiga kali ke kantor pos untuk ngirim surat lamaran ke Perusahaan-Perusahaan. Sampai-

Reasons Why I Must Write

Why I Must Write - Orphan Pamuk (Peraih Nobel Sastra) I Write because I have an innate need to write I Write because I can't do normal work as other people do I Write because I want to read books like the ones I write I Write because I am angry at everyone I Write because I love sitting in a room all day writing I Write because I can partake of real life only by changing it I write because I want others, the world, to know what sort of life we lived, and continue to live, in Istanbul, in Turkey I Write because I Love the smell of paper, pen, and ink I Write because I believe in literature, in the art of the novel, more than I believe in anything else. I Write because it is a habit, a passion. I Write because I am afraid of being forgotten I Write because I like the glory and interest that writing brings I Write to be alone Perhaps I Write because I hope to understand why.. I am so very, very angry at everyone I Write because I like to be read I Write becaus